Hub Wollersheim, PhD, UHD

Hub Wollersheim

Associate professor, senior researcher

+ 31 (0) 24 81 86625

Hub Wollersheim is MD in Internal Medicine (subspecialty Cardiovascular Diseases).

He is associate professor of 'Quality and Safety in Hospital Care' . He chairs the working group of Quality of Clinical Practice of the Nijmegen Centre for Evidence Based Practice.

As principal lecturer he teaches quality and safety of hospital care at the medical, the biomedical and postgraduate school of the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen (RUNMC) in the Netherlands and serves as a quality adviser of several medical speciality and hospital boards.

He is a visiting professor of the KU Leuven in Belgium, examiner at Imperial College London,  Faculty leader of IHI open school Boston and deputy editor in chief of the International Journal of Quality in Health Care.

Quality improvement methodology, surgical and medication safety, integrated care for frail patients and professional development of physicians are his main topics.

Publications H. Wollersheim